Carolina Romero is a TPI certified golf fitness coach and one of Golf Digests Top 50 Golf Fitness trainers in America.

She has over 10 years of experience helping both professional and amateur golfers reach their maximum potential. Her comprehensive approach to golf fitness will improve the mechanics of your body which will translate to a more efficient and powerful golf swing, less pain and a healthier body on and off the course.

As a former NCAA division 1 college golfer, Carolina brings her knowledge of the golf swing to the table. She understands the challenges that golfers face and will help you come up with an action plan to take your golf game and health to the next level.

Relevant Certifications:

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer

  • Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Golf Fitness Coach

  • Functional Aging Institute (FAI) Functional Aging Specialist

  • Precision Nutrition (PN) Nutrition Coach