In person training with Carolina in Boca Raton, FL


Train in person with Golf Digest Top 50 Golf Fitness Trainer Carolina Romero at FRO PRO HQ in Boca Raton, FL.

This private personal training studio is located in the heart of Boca Raton and only a few minutes off the Congress I95 exit.

To schedule your consultation please contact us by clicking the button below:

Online Training Options

Improve your golf swing, increase your swing speed and golf pain free with the help of our online golf fitness training programs designed to meet your needs, preferences, and budget.


In Home Golf Fitness Plans

If you prefer to exercise at home these programs are perfect for you.
Level 1, 2 and 3 available.

Gym Golf Fitness Plans

If you prefer to workout at the gym these programs are perfect for you.
Levels 1, 2 and 3 available.

TRX Golf Fitness Plan

A golf fitness plan developed around the TRX or your favorite suspension training system.

Online TPI Assessment

Let’s identify your strengths and weaknesses using the TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) assessment. The results will help me create a personalized fitness plan for you.

Personalized Golf Fitness Plans

My personalized workouts are based on your preferences, needs, strengths and weaknesses. Perfect for individuals with previous injuries and special requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to get started?
All you need is a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device with good internet connection. You will receive your workouts and supporting materials via the Fit Golfer Girl app. We will use Skype or Facetime for our consultations and assessments.

How do I get started?
You can start by placing your order online. I will personally reach out to you within 24 hours to give you detailed instructions on how to download the Fit Golfer App and to schedule our initial consultation (if applicable).

Does it matter what skill level I am?
Absolutely not. These golf fitness programs are designed for golfers of all handicaps and fitness levels. I recommend you start with level 1 and work your way up.

Do I need to belong to a gym to complete your workout programs?
No. Depending on what program you purchase, you can workout at home or at the gym. If you are doing a personalized workout, we will discuss your needs and requirements during your initial consultation.

What if I have any questions about my workout plans?
You will have unlimited email support from me! Just send me an email ( and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

How much time will I need to complete your training programs?
I understand that you are busy and have limited time to workout. Most Fit Golfer workouts can be completed in under 45 minutes. Plan for slightly longer sessions during your trial week while you familiarize yourself with the exercises.

I am in Palm Beach County and want to train with you in person. How do I find you?
If you are interested in one-on-one personal training send me an email at with your contact information, and I will reach out to you about setting up your initial consultation and evaluation at the gym.