Stop Hanging Back! Train Your Golf Swing Weight Shift - Golf Fitness Tips

Stop Hanging Back! Train Your Golf Swing Weight Shift - Golf Fitness Tips

About a third of all amateur golfers hang back during the golf swing. If you are having a hard time shifting your weight from the trail to the lead leg during the downswing, and if you lean away from the target during and after impact this video is for you!

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Stop Coming Over The Top - Golf Fitness Tips

Stop Coming Over The Top - Golf Fitness Tips

Coming over the top during the downswing is a very common problem in golf. In fact, about 44% of golfers come over the top! Are you one of them?

This week me and PGA pro Mike Midgette ( will show you a few exercises you can do at the gym, and how to use the Watson Golf training aid to stop coming over the top for good.

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