The Ryder Cup Madness

The Ryder Cup Madness

The 2016 Ryder Cup will go down in history as one of the most fun and exciting golf events in history. We all enjoy watching the Majors every year, and we all have a favorite player that we always cheer for. But there’s something special about a taking an individual sport and making it a team challenge. Change up the rules a bit. Make it fun for the audience and the players, and you’ve got yourself a magic pill.

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Workout Motivation Boosters

Workout Motivation Boosters

Motivation to workout is like a roller coaster. It comes and goes.  I know this happens to you too. And I am sure it happens to even the best athletes in the world. I have been working out consistently for long enough to know that I always feel better after a workout (even a light one), so today I will be sharing some of my strategies for getting motivated and crushing my workouts.

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The One Thing That Golfers Could Learn From Bodybuilders - At the gym and on the Course

The One Thing That Golfers Could Learn From Bodybuilders - At the gym and on the Course

Having massive muscular limbs and bodies might get in the way of your golf swing, but there is one concept made popular by bodybuilding that every golfer should learn and embrace: The Mind-Muscle Connection.

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