How To Fix Your Slice!

How To Fix Your Slice!

Did you know that 85% of golfers slice the ball? Are you one of them? Did you know that imbalances and weak areas in your body might be to blame? This week we will be exploring two of the most common reasons golfers slice the ball and how to use golf fitness to fix them!

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Improve Your Weight Shift And Stop Hanging Back In Your Golf Swing!

Improve Your Weight Shift And Stop Hanging Back In Your Golf Swing!

Do you have a hard time shifting your weight to the lead leg during your golf swing? Do you have the tendency to hang back and not transfer your weight at all? You are not alone! One in three golfers struggle with this issue!

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Three Moves For A More Powerful Golf Swing With Nick Tumminello

Three Moves For A More Powerful Golf Swing With Nick Tumminello

NSCA Personal Trainer of The Year Nick Tumminello, shows us three moves that will increase the rotational power of your golf swing!

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The One Thing That Golfers Could Learn From Bodybuilders - At the gym and on the Course

The One Thing That Golfers Could Learn From Bodybuilders - At the gym and on the Course

Having massive muscular limbs and bodies might get in the way of your golf swing, but there is one concept made popular by bodybuilding that every golfer should learn and embrace: The Mind-Muscle Connection.

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