Fix Your Flat Shoulder Plane - Golf Fitness Tips!

Fix Your Flat Shoulder Plane -  Golf Fitness Tips!

Did you know that over 45% of golfers have a flat shoulder plane? Not having the necessary flexibility in the upper body will make golfers develop compensations to help them get the golf club back during the backswing. Learn how to fix it here!

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Improve Your Weight Shift And Stop Hanging Back In Your Golf Swing!

Improve Your Weight Shift And Stop Hanging Back In Your Golf Swing!

Do you have a hard time shifting your weight to the lead leg during your golf swing? Do you have the tendency to hang back and not transfer your weight at all? You are not alone! One in three golfers struggle with this issue!

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How To Stop Coming Over The Top In Your Golf Swing!

How To Stop Coming Over The Top In Your Golf Swing!

Did you know that over 40% of amateur golfers struggle with coming over the top during their downswing? If you lack the ability to initiate the downswing with your lower body, chances are that you struggle with this issue too.

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How To Fix Your Posture To Fix Your Golf Swing!

How To Fix Your Posture To Fix Your Golf Swing!

Did you know that your bad posture could be to blame for your golf swing mistakes? Having a bad posture directly affects your ability to rotate during the golf swing! 

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Three Moves For A More Powerful Golf Swing With Nick Tumminello

Three Moves For A More Powerful Golf Swing With Nick Tumminello

NSCA Personal Trainer of The Year Nick Tumminello, shows us three moves that will increase the rotational power of your golf swing!

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Five Glute Exercises To Swing Like a PGA Tour Pro!

Five Glute Exercises To Swing Like a PGA Tour Pro!

The glutes are the King of the golf swing! They play a vital role in helping us generate power, speed and maintain stability during the golf swing. Are your glutes working to their maximum potential?

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TRX Golf Exercises That Will Increase Your Driving Distance!

TRX Golf Exercises That Will Increase Your Driving Distance!

Today I will be showing you some of my favorite golf specific TRX exercises that will translate to longer drives, more consistent shots, and less injuries!

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Ask The Fit Golfer Girl 1: Will Crunches Make My Swing More Powerful?

Ask The Fit Golfer Girl 1: Will Crunches Make My Swing More Powerful?

Crunches and sit-ups are the most popular ab exercises out there!

But, should you be doing them to increase power in your golf swing?

Click the video below to find out!?

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The Top 10 Core Exercises That Will Make You A Better Golfer!

The Top 10 Core Exercises That Will Make You A Better Golfer!

This is the ultimate guide for becoming a better golfer by strengthening your abs with all the right moves! 
Hit the ball further, lower your score, and reduce your risk of injury with these golf specific moves!

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Happy Golf Thanksgiving! (Golfsgiving)

Happy Golf Thanksgiving! (Golfsgiving)

It’s time to give Thanksgiving day a twist Fit Golfer Girl style. Golf is such a big part of all of our lives so why not have a little Golfsgiving in the blog today! We give thanks for many things, but we rarely give thanks for the golf related experiences that have shaped us into the golfers/person we are today. This my friends, is about to change. 

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Dehydration is Costing You Strokes

Dehydration is Costing You Strokes

Let me ask you an honest question: how much water do you drink when you are on the golf course? In a regular golf round, you are losing fluids by the second. Every minute you spend golfing, the humidity, physical exertion, sun exposure, sweating, and water evaporation from your skin are rapidly dehydrating you. What if I told you that you are giving up precious strokes by not drinking enough water.

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