The Best Holiday Gifts For Golfers - 2017 Edition

The Best Holiday Gifts For Golfers  - 2017 Edition

To help you out this holiday season, I have gathered a list of the best gifts for golfers! As a golfer myself, I would be thrilled to see these gifts in my stocking! I have picked these items because they are fun, innovative, high quality, budget friendly, and guaranteed to make the golfers in you life happy!

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Ask The Golf Doctor: How To Improve Your Golf Swing Rotation

Ask The Golf Doctor: How To Improve Your Golf Swing Rotation

Welcome to our first ever “Ask The Golf Doctor” segment.  I have asked the best sports medicine, physical therapy, and chiropractic doctors to answer YOUR questions. This week, we will be chatting with Dr. Scott Hoar from Mobility 4 Life in Boynton Beach, Florida. He will be teaching us why it is harder for us to rotate as we age, how lack of rotation affects our golf swing, and how we can regain and prevent the ability to rotate in the golf swing!

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The Best Upper Body Stretches For Golf

The Best Upper Body Stretches For Golf

Tightness in specific regions of the upper body can be the cause behind a lot of golf swing mistakes. If you are having a hard time rotating, experiencing low back pain after golfing, or developing bad posture during your golf swing setup, these key upper body stretches are perfect for you!

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How To Turn Your Hips During The Golf Swing

How To Turn Your Hips During The Golf Swing

We all know that power in the golf swing comes from the hips, but do you ever feel like your hips are stuck and not moving the way they are supposed to? In this week’s video we are going to talk about hip movement during the golf swing and the requirements we need to meet to maximize the speed and power of our hip turn.

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How To Fix Your Early Extension

How To Fix Your Early Extension

Your body imbalances and habits could be to blame for your early extension, and no amount of golf lessons will permanently fix the problem until you address and correct these issues. Let’s take a look at some exercises that will help you get rid of this problem for good.

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The Best (Single) Leg Exercises For Golf!

The Best (Single) Leg Exercises For Golf!

Learn my favorite single leg exercises that will help you correct your muscular imbalances, challenge your balance and core, improve your stability, and help you generate more power and distance at the golf course!

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Fix Your Neck Pain!

Fix Your Neck Pain!

Neck pain sucks! Period! Many factors such as stress, bad posture, overactive muscles, sleeping in the wrong position, and playing golf can contribute to your neck pain and tightness. This week I will be showing you how your tight neck can be messing up your golf swing, and what you can do to finally get some relief.

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Grip Strength For Golfers!

Grip Strength For Golfers!

Your grip is the only point of contact between your body and the golf club; however, grip strength is an ability often ignored by amateur golfers around the world.This week I will be showing you some of my favorite “carry” exercises that will work out your core and increase your grip strength at the same time!

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Golf Balance Exercises To Improve Your Weight Shift!

Golf Balance Exercises To Improve Your Weight Shift!

Poor balance could be to blame for the weight shift/transfer issues in your golf swing. If you sway, slide, hang back, early extend, or have a reverse spine angle, your bad balance might be to blame. Learn how to fix it today!

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The Best Battle Rope Exercises For Golf And Fat Loss!

The Best Battle Rope Exercises For Golf And Fat Loss!

Would you believe me if I told you there is a workout tool that will help you gain muscle, lose fat, improve your cardio and get better at golf all at the same time? Let me introduce you to one of my favorite fitness tools, the battle ropes! 

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